Election Meeting Monday October 15th

There was a meeting of the HOA members on Monday October 15th, 2018 for the purpose of conducting elections for members of the Board of Directors.

It was held at 6:00pm at the Live Oak Justice Center at 8022 Shin Oak Drive.


  1. Call to Order
    1. Determination of Quorum (10% of members)
    2. Proof of Notice
    3. Introductions
  2. Election of Directors
  3. Open Discussion
    • HOA Project Updates
    • Questions
  4. Adjournment

A quorum was NOT present and although votes were cast, they can not be counted because the quorum threshold of 10% (48 owners) could not be met. A future meeting will be held to revisit the election.

Meeting Minutes can be found on the Member’s Only Minutes page